Dr. Ir. Hetifah, MPP adalah mantan aktivis kampus dan lama bergelut dalam berbagai organisasi civil society. Hetifah pernah menjadi Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa serta Ketua Ikatan Alumni Planologi ITB, dan merupakan salah satu pendiri AKATIGA Pusat Analisis Sosial, Perkumpulan Inisiatif, serta B-Trust Advisory Group untuk Reformasi Kebijakan Publik dan Tata Pemerintahan.
Latar pendidikan Hetifah adalah bidang Perencanaan Kota dan Wilayah di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Hetifah melanjutkan studi untuk Master in Public Policy dari National University of Singapore, dan meraih gelar PhD dari School of Politics and International Relations, Flinders University Adelaide Australia. Disertasi yang ditulisnya berjudul “New Voices of the Community? Citizen Forums in Reformasi Era Indonesia” menelaah bagaimana cara warga dan kelompok-kelompok marjinal mempengaruhi kebijakan publik di daerah.
Hetifah telah banyak menerbitkan artikel, laporan, dan buku. Hetifah adalah penulis buku “Inovasi, Partisipasi, dan Good Governance: 20 Prakarsa Inovatif dan Partisipatif di Indonesia” yang menjadi salah satu referensi penting dalam praktek tata kelola pemerintahan partisipatif.
Saat ini Hetifah mendedikasikan dirinya menjadi politisi dari Partai Golkar, dan pada tahun 2009 terpilih menjadi anggota DPR RI dari Daerah Pemilihan Kalimantan Timur. Pada awal pengabdiannya di DPR RI (2009-2011), Hetifah berkiprah di Komisi X bidang pendidikan, kebudayaan, kepemudaan, olah raga, dan pariwisata. Kemudian menjadi anggota Komisi V bidang infrastruktur, perhubungan, perumahan, dan pembangunan daerah tertinggal. Sekarang pada periode keduanya, Hetifah dipercaya untuk bertugas di Komisi II yang membidangi dalam negeri, sekretariat negara, dan pemilu.
Selama di DPR, Hetifah aktif mengadvokasikan pembangunan wilayah perbatasan dan daerah pedalaman. Dalam rangka percepatan pembangunan di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Utara, Hetifah turut aktif mendorong pembentukan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara dan Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu di wilayah Kutai Barat, yang sebagian wilayahnya memang sangat sulit dijangkau dan masih tertinggal.
Hetifah adalah Pengurus DPP Partai Golkar dan Ormas MKGR, selain juga aktif sebagai salah satu Dewan Pimpinan Kongres Wanita Indonesia (KOWANI) sebagai Ketua Bidang Pendidikan, IPTEK, dan Seni Budaya, serta aktif di Kaukus Perempuan Parlemen Republik Indonesia (KPPRI). Ia saat ini tengah giat mendorong partisipasi perempuan dalam politik dan peningkatan kapasitas perempuan di berbagai wilayah/daerah di Indonesia.
Hetifah bersuamikan Ir. Siswanda Harso Sumarto, MPM, dan telah dikaruniai empat puteri: Amirah Kaca, Amanda Kistilensa, Asanilta Fahda, dan Nahla Tertrimulya. Bagi Hetifah, kerelaan dan dukungan keluarga telah menambah keyakinannya untuk menempuh jalan politik dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan publik serta mewujudkan tantanan kehidupan yang lebih berkeadilan dan berkeadaban.
English Version:
Dr. Ir. Hetifah, MPP, being a former campus activist, has long been involved in various civil society organizations. She had been the chairperson of Student Committee and of Bandung Institute of Technology Planology Alumni Association; she is also one of the founders of AKATIGA Center for Social Analysis, Indonesian Partnership on Local Governance Initiative, and Bandung Trust Advisory Group (B-Trust) for Public Policy and Government Reforms.
She graduated from the Department of Regional and City Planning—Bandung Institute of Technology and received her Master in Public Policy from the National University of Singapore. She was awarded her PhD from School of Politics and International Studies—Flinders University, Australia. Her dissertation, titled “New Voices of the Community – Citizen Forums in Reforms Era Indonesia”, explores how citizens and marginalized groups influence public policies.
Hetifah has published many articles, reports, and books. She is the author of the book “Innovation, Participation, and Good Governance: 20 Participatory Initiatives in Indonesia”, an important reference in participatory governance practices.
Currently she is a dedicated politician of Golongan Karya Party, and since 2009 is appointed as a Member of Indonesian Parliament Constituency of East Kalimantan. At the start of her service in the House of Representatives (2009-2011), Hetifah contributed at the Commission X where Hetifah oversees issues such as culture, youth, sports and tourism. After that she contributes as a member of Commission V where she oversees issue such as infrastructure, transportation, housing and the development of underdeveloped areas. Today as her second time of her service here, Hetifah now serves at the Commission II where she oversees issues in the domestic area, the secretariat of the state and the elections.
While in the Parliament, Hetifah is active on advocating development of border regions and hinterlands. In order to accelerate development in the border region of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, she actively encouraged the establishment of North Kalimantan Province and Mahakam Ulu Regency in West Kutai Area, where several parts of the area is difficult to reach and underdeveloped.
Besides being the Management of Central Board of Golkar Party and MKGR Organization, she is also active in the National Council of Women’s Organization of Indonesia (KOWANI) as a chairperson of the Standing Committee on Education, Science and Technology. She is also a Board Member of the Indonesian Women in Parliament Caucus (KPPRI). She actively promotes Indonesian women’s participation in politics and building the capacity of other women in various regions in Indonesia.
Hetifah is married to Ir. Siswanda Harso Sumarto, MPM, and has four daughters: Amirah Kaca, Amanda Kistilensa, Asanilta Fahda, and Nahla Tetrimulya. For Hetifah, compliance and support from the family has added her confidence to tread the path of politics in struggling for public interest and realizing a more equitable and civilized order of life.